Stephanie Cohn
Podcast Producer Journalist Sound Designer
Independent work or one-off stories I've made for others
Watching Whimbrels
Each year since the 1990s, Whimbrels traveling along the Atlantic coast have declined by 4%, due in part to habitat loss. Over a third of the Cape’s marshes have vanished, mostly due to sea-level rise and urban development.
This piece was was sound designed and produced by me. It was edited by Ari Daniel for BirdNote
Voices of Black Lives Matter
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis. Around the country, people left their homes in the midst of a pandemic to protest Floyd's death and the epidemic of police brutality in the USA. Here are a few voices from a protest in Boston.
Perfect Strangers
Out There
The 100-Mile Wilderness is a notoriously tough stretch of the Appalachian Trail. Bill and Linda are in the middle of this wilderness. They run a sporting camp called White House Landing, where tired hikers can get a hot meal and a shower, and spend the night in a real bed.
This piece was sound designed and produced by me. It was edited by Willow Belden for the Out There Podcast
I Love You, Sis
Radio Race '18
In a world shaped by loss and unspoken love, one woman changes the course of her family’s emotional reality with three simple words.
This piece was narrated and produced by me, along with Hannah Beal, Caroline Hadilaksono, Marissa Schneiderman and Kaitlyn Schwalje as part of The 24-Hour Radio Race from KCRW's Independent Producer Project. Music written and recorded by Marissa Schneiderman and Diva.
Made for This
The Salt Institute for Documentary Studies
Mackie Greene leads the Campobello Whale Rescue Team, a group of ocean experts who work like a volunteer fire department to free whales caught in fishing lines and netting. Last summer, something happened that shook him and his team-- that made him question whether he wanted to commit or quit.
The Monsters on the Wall
The Salt Institute for Documentary Studies
Bridget McAlonan is a puppeteer and a teacher. Her day job involves traveling to classrooms to talk about consent and sexual violence. After a long day of teaching, she returns to her home-studio where she uses puppetry and painting to escape.